Friday, September 18, 2020

Facial peeling program in Bangkok, Thailand, AQUAPEELING


One of skin care is Aquapeeling programs. It is a hydration and exfoliation that removes blackhead and whitehead and even sebum as well. The solution is a combination of AHA and BHA. Let's take a look at what aqua peeling is. 

AHA is alpha hydroxy acid that is a water soluble ingredient that cleans the outer of skin layer. It treats dryness and sun damage on the surface. 

BHA is beta hydroxy acid that is dissolved by oil and can therefore penetrate the sebum and dead skin that clog up the pores.  It prevents oil and inflammatory acne as well as infection. 

AQUA PEELING is helps pore and skin to cleanse and remove sebum / dead skin cells, and acne and even moisturize. It can remove blackhead and whitehead, preventing deep pores , resulting in hydrated and clearer skin tone. 

Advantage of AQUA PEELING

It can be applied to dryness skin and has no downtime. 

It is very short and painless for its effects, patients generally respond positively. 

Indications for treatment

- Excess sebum

- Frequent breakouts

- Dull skin tone

- Clogged pores

- Dry skin

Click here for more information

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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