Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Acne scar treatment ( PRP, Discovery Pico laser)

Check out the video for PRP treatment

Acne scars are formed when a pimple penetrates the skin deeply. It makes the skin to damage the tissues under the skin. There are few types of acne scar;  Boxcar, Icepick, Rolling. This types of scars go deep into the skin and look like small round or holes. It looks more irregular and rolling appearance on the face, chest and back too. 
Renewme has PRP and Discovery pico laser to treat acne scars. We'd like to explain the treatment below. 

1. PRP 

PRP is the plasma that contains condensed platelets. It contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin. Blood is withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back into the skin. Using Auto MTS, PRP nutrients easily penetrate into the skin and promotes skin regeneration. It also stimulates fibroblasts without damaging skin to induce collagen production by adjusting the length and speed of needle for each patient's skin condition. 

2. Discovery Pico laser

Discovery Pico laser is the most advanced laser technology, which has been approved safety and efficacy by U.S FDA, KOREA KFDA, and Europe CE. The energy from the laser will penetrate through the skin in picoseonds pulse rather than nanoseconds pulse and breaks up melanin and pigment particles in picosecond pulse. The laser system is used for pigmented lesions including age spots, acne scar, scar, acne mark etc. 




Check the website for direction, Nanastation

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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