Sunday, November 29, 2020

Acne, Acne mark treatment in Bangkok


Hello, we are gonna talk about acne scar treatment from Bangkok. Most patients worried about acne and acne scar. When they are young, they might have acne but the didn't care about acne scar. They extracted acne by their hands, so it made more acne mark and scar. so it didn't remove it and just leave on the face. One of our patient, she is a middle school student. She was stressed about her acne. so she visited the clinic. 

For above photo, you can see her face with acne, red mark and scar too. she has even big pores. She wants to treat her acne clearly. so she had Acne scaling with extraction and laser toning for acne scar and mark treatment. 

1. Acne scaling

Skin scaling is a type of superficial chemical peeling that exfoliates and removes dead skin cells and activate the epidermis to improve your skin health. It includes extraction as well.

2. laser toning

Discovery pico laser is the most advanced laser technology, which has been approved safety adn efficacy by US, FDA. KOREA, KFDA, and Europe CE. The energy from the laser will penetrate through the skin in pico seconds pulse, rather than nano seconds pulses. It breaks up melanin and pigment particles in pico seconds. The laser system is sued for pigmented lesion including acne mark, age spot etc. 

When you see the after photo, you can see her skin more clear than before photo. so we recommend you to have a consultation with dermatologists first and they will guide you which acne treatment is suitable for you . 

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth




Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hair loss program in bangkok


Nowadays people have hair loss. Hair loss occurs with a simple halt in the cycle. There are many causes of hair loss like stress, food, and life cycle and hormonal changes. 

Hormonal changes can cause hair loss from pregnancy, childbirth, menopause. Sometime it caused by extreme weight loss and health problem as well. If you want to have a consultation, you need to visit dermatologists who know the skin and hair best. 

Scalp scaling

scalp scaling prevents hair loss and treats damaged scalp layers. It also removes dead skin cells and sebum for healthy hair and even opens clogged pores cleanly to absorb nutrients easily. 

PRP helps restore hair gorwth to grow baby hair and strenthen the existing hairs. Injecting PRP into the scalp stimulates cell regeneration in the hair roots.

Meso therapy
Mesotherapy includes injecting vitamins, proteins and minerals etc. It prevents hair loss and promotes blood flow and hair growth as basic scalp treatment

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth




Tattoo removal with discovery pico laser


Tattoo removal is one of popular treatments in our clinic. Some people have small tangle mini tattoo in their body or wrist etc. But they visited the clinic to remove them cuz of their occupation or their beauty etc. 

Discovery pico laser is the most advanced laser technology, which has been safety and efficacy by US, KOREA, and Europe. The energy from the laser will penetrate through the skin in pico seconds pulse rather than nanosecods pulse and breaks up age spots, freckles, and ota spots and birth marks etc. It also can remove pigmented lesions effectively while minimizing damages to the skin by irradiating high energy in a short time. 

Check out the video below for procedure

Here is the before and after photo

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth




Monday, November 16, 2020

what is placenta injection and benefits?

What is placenta?

The placenta is an organ that makes in uterus during pregnancy. It gives oxygen and nutrients for baby growing. It also removes wastes from blood. So placenta has rich nutrients and growth factors substances. 

What is placenta injection?

It is a injection that made by human placenta with more than 100 types of rich nutrients and growth factors. 

GC Wellbeing's placenta injection shows efficacy on Covid-19

 Published Korea Biomedical Review

GC wellbeing with research team of Chungbuk National University College of Medicine

has confirmed that human placenta injection has effects against Covid-19. It enhances antioxidant and inflammatory and metabolism, liver function etc. 

What are benefits of placenta injection?

- Anti-aging

- Chronic fatigue recovery

- menopause symptoms

-Improve liver function

- Metabolism

- Strength immune system

- promote hair growth

What is benefits of placenta for beauty?

It is not simple injection treatment, is very powerful in beauty treatments. It effects for skin whitening, helps wrinkles, acne, skin aging. listed below 

- Skin whitening

- Moisturizing function

- Anti -allergy function

- Anti-inflammatory function

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth




Friday, November 13, 2020

After golf calminig care in Bangkok

A long hours of exposure to the sun's rays can also be harmful. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause sunburn, dark spots, and premature aging. Renewme Skin Clinic has after golf calming care is to protect your skin after playing golf and outdoors activity. 


Cryo-electropheresis delivers vitamins and nutrients to frozen skin by using electric current. It contracts the blood vessle to prevent them from absorbing the solution, making results longer lasting. It helps the skin recover more quickly with cooling and soothing. 

2. Collagen Velvet mask

Collagen mask is structured to capture 99% moisture within the skin. The facial mask has a skin -cooling moisture and soothing to help skin last longer to boost that can brighten your face instantly. 

3. Omega Led 

LED therapy has soothing ans calming effects after sun exposure. It can be used to treat sunburn and prevent any irritation. An excellent way to end a series of package treatments.

Those who recommended

1. If you concerened about Ultraviolet rays after playing golf 

2. If your face turns red after playing golf 

3. If your face becomes sensitive and dry after playing golf

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



Monday, November 9, 2020

Vitamin D Injection in Bangkok, Renewme


 Vitamin D Injection

Vitamin D deficiency is a source of all the disease. More than 90% of our country suffers from vitamin D deficiency. If Vitamin D is insufficient, it can lead to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and depression problems. It supports immune system and prevent virus diseases such as corona virus. It also help inflammation and pain relief. 

Benefits of Vitamin D

1. support Immune system

2. Prevent virus diseases

3. Inflammation & Pain relief

4. Fatigue Recovery & Anti-Aging

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



Thursday, November 5, 2020

Beware of Vitamin D deficiency


Hello, Today' we will talk about vitamin D that sunlight helps us absorb. Now if you leves are below 20ng/ml , then it means you have a deficiency. Sadly. Most Korean (93.9% of women and 86.8% of men) have a vitamin D deficiency, that is 9 times more than the statistics from 5 years ago. We spend most of our time indoors and finish work after the sun has gone down. So, we need to take vitamin supplement or vitamin D injection. 

Vitamin D helps our bones absorb necessary calcium and nutrients. If you don't have vitamin D with calcium, doesn't help build bones and keep bones strong and healthy. 

Weak bones can lead to osteioirisus, the loss of bone density. so it makes our bone to fractures. If you don't take oral medication or from sunlight exposure, you need to have supplement or vitamin injection. 

Vitamin D Injection

Vitamin D deficiency is a source of all the disease. More than 90% of our country suffers from vitamin D deficiency. If Vitamin D is insufficient, it can lead to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and depression problems. It supports immune system and prevent virus diseases such as corona virus. It also help inflammation and pain relief. 

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



what is intravenous nutritional injections for anti-ging


Are you looking for something to boost your immune system against corona virus?

Intravenous injections might be what you are looking for. IV drips are a great way to deliver nutrients directly to your body. It's quick and east and can allow your body to 

absorb way more than what would normally be tolerable from oral medication.

There are several types of injections available at Renewme Skin Clinic. 

1. Vitamin C Injection

Vitamin C (L-ascorbi acid) is a critical nutrient with antioxidant functions. It is can selectively destory cancer cells, produce 30-70 plasma concentration and decrease histamine concentration. It helps fatigue, common cold, eczema , acne and woulds. 

2. Cinderella Injection

Cinderella Injection is a potent antioxidant for several effects. It can treat diabete, HIV and lliver dieseases and boost metabolism and even aid weight loss. It's popular treatment in our clinic and recommend thoses who feel tired and trying to lose weight. 

3. Placenta Extraction

It is used in Korea for many different purpose, due to the coplous amount of nutrients that the placenta contains. It improves physical function, sexual life, menopausal symptoms, fatigue, liver functions, chronic pain and just general health

4. Vitamin D Injection

Vitamin D deficiency is a source of all the disease. More than 90% of our country suffers from vitamin D deficiency. If Vitamin D is insufficient, it can lead to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and depression problems. It supports immune system and prevent virus diseases such as corona virus. It also help inflammation and pain relief. 

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Contouring Injection V line program

V line program

Contouring Injection + Doublo gold

Contouring injection is a solution created by Renewme skin clinic dermatologists that can work to dissolve excessive fat in unwanted area. It's a non-invasive procedure that can slim down your face with minimal downtime. It helps the fat dissolve to find out V-line shape on the face. Sometime, it's hard to remove the fat on the face from exercise, so you can make easily even and smooth face shape with balance. It's a simple treatment to injection on the face. 

Normally applicable areas are cheeks, cheekbone area, double chin, and jaw line that located more slimmer and V line shape. it depends on people's skin condition and face type. It's better to have a consultation with doctor first and they will guide you 

Recommended Treatment 

we recommend lifting laser , doublo gold together with contouring injection for v line. It helps double chin and uneven area on the face. The lifting laser helps your face lift up for making v line shape and contouring injection helps the double chin to remove the face on the chin area. 



If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth

