Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Acne Scar: Pico Fractional laser & PRP


Acne Scar Treatment 
We'd like to talk about Acne scar treatment in our clinic. We have Pico fractional laser that helps the skin texture and acne scar outer skin layer and have PRP to help the skin regenerate underneath the skin together. 

1. PRP

PRP contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin. 
Blood is withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back into the skin. 
PRP is the plasma that contains condensed platelets.

2. PICO Fractional Laser

Discovery Pico laser is the most advanced laser technology, 
which has been approved safety and efficacy by U.S.A, FDA, 
KOREA, KFDA, and Europe CE. The energy from the laser will penetrate
through the skin in pico seconds pulse rather than nanoseconds pulse and breaks up 
melanin and pigment particles in picoseconds pulses. The laser system is used for pigmented lesions including acne mark, acne scar, pores, and other pigmentation etc.

Before & After Photos 



Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger 


Facebook: @rnmeth




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