Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Feminine and beautiful shoulder line changes!


What is the trapezius muscle?

The trapezius is a muscle that supports the shoulders and arms, running vertically from the back of the back down the spine, and extending horizontally to the shoulders. If theses muscles are overdeveloped , they may cause your neck to look shorter and your shoulder line rather masculine. It may also be the cause of neck and shoulder pain. 

Here is the example of overdeveloped trapezius mscule

What is shoulder Btoxin?

Shoulder btoxin injections can relax and lower the trapezius muscle to create a feminine shoulder line and the appearance of a longer neck. This can also help with chronic neck and shoulder pain as well, pain that is caused by overdeveloped muscles.

Advantages of Shoulder btoxin

1. Non-surgical 

- simple a quick procedure that leaves no scars and marks

2. High satisfaction rate

- Fast and satisfactory results

3. Safe

- No anesthesiz and no pain with minimal downtime

4, Quick recovery

- Patients can return to daily routine right away 

5. Pain relief

- Effective for chronic shoulder pain 

Before and After photos

Who needs shoulder Btoxin injection? 

1. Undefined collarbones

2. Uneven collarbones

3. Overdeveloped trapezius muscle

4. Shoulder pain

5. Shour / thick neck 

Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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