Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Acne scar treatment with PRP & Pico Fractional laser in Bangkok


The active acne leaves scars. The scar is formed when acne penetrates the skin deeply. It also damages the tissues under the skin.  There are different types of scars; Boxscar, Icepick scar, Rolling scar. Acne scarring is post inflammatory hyperpigmentation or erythema like brown and red colors. 


PRP contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin. Blood is
withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back into the skin. 
Blood is withdrawn from the patients, centrifuged then injected back into the 
progressed area from Hair loss. It shows the effects of stimulating hair and cell regeneration

Meso therapy

Meto therapy is a technique that uses injections of enzyme that helps
the scalp and hair with using a syringe. It formulate a proportion of solution and 
properly mixed with the necessary nutrients and then inject directly into the scalp.
It prevents hair loss and also promotes blood flow and hair growth as fundamental 
scalp treatment.

Before & After



If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger 


Facebook: @rnmeth




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