Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hot summer problem, Hyperhidrosis, Bangkok

Hot summer problem, Hyperhidrosis

The excessive sweating that is called Hyperhidrosis is active in the hands, feet, underarm, and body areas because of their high concentration of sweat glands. It shows wet palms of hands and feets and frequent sweating. 

There are causes of secondary hyperhidrosis

- Anxiety
- Heart disease
-Respiratory failure

There are questions designed to help a person who is experiencing excessive sweating to determine to treat hyperhidrosis.  


1. How often do you think about sweating or worry about sweating? 

2. Have you ever avoided social contact or change plans due to fear of sweating?

3. Does sweating interfere with your school, job, and realationship? 

4. Are you often concerned or upset about sweating in public?

5. Do you change your clothes or take a shwer frequently because of sweating? 

Btxoin for underarm/ hands/ feets

Btxoin inejction block the nerves that trigger sweat glands. The glands secret sweat more than necessrary amount to control body temperature. Btxoin helps the sweat to control in daily life as normal. 

If you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth




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