Thursday, July 22, 2021

can you tell which pigment is mole or warts on the face?



Mole are one of skin pigmentation. It has more than one on the face and body
It is not harmless and you don't need to worry about. it doesn't bother you if you have lots of moles on the face and body. 


Warts are one of skin infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
It causes skin colored bumps to form on the skin. Warts appears on the hands
face, and body too. 

Face: Flat warts effect the face and forehead.
Feet: Plantar warts appear on the soles of the fees. 
Hands: it is called common warts than other area. 

U-pulse is a advanced fractional co2 laser system as scanner type with a higher power module. It is based on quality of Ultra-pulse technology for less pain and faster recovery.The deliver good effects especially for skin resurfacing and removing moles, warts , and hyper pigmentation etc. 

Before & After photos 



Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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