Thursday, June 3, 2021

Skin booster, Rejuran Healer in Bangkok


Rejuran Healer: Skin booster

What is Rejuran Healer?

Rejuran healer is a inject-able treatment that has component of polynucleotides (PN). DNA extract in Rejuran healer is obtained from salmon. DNA possesses multiple benefits for the skin. DNA has a great ingredients of addressing aging skin to rejuvenating and repairing the skin under the skin. 

Advantages of Rejuran Healer

-Balance moisture underthe skin 
- Recover protective layer of skin 
- Pore tightening
- Reduce sebum
-Reduce fine lines
-Improves skin texture and tone
- Skin tightening

What is the difference between Rejuran healer and skinbooster?

Compared to Hyaluronic acid skin boosters, Rejuran healer is more 
effective in stimulating collagen and has anti-aging benefits.  Hyaluronic acid
is effective for skin brightening and intensive hydration for skin. 

How many treatments do need for?

3-4 treatment sessions are recommended. 
The interval will be 4 weeks and it can repeated once every 6-12 months
to keep the results for collagen stimulation.

Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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