Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What is the difference between Wart and Corn?


What is the difference between Wart and Corn? 


Wart is small skin growths that formed everywhere like feet, hands etc. 
It can appear anywhere on the body. Wart is caused by HPV (Human papillomavirus).It's easily to spread from person to person direct or indirect.  But, if you have strong immune system, it might be able to fight off 


Corn is a thick layer skin that develop from friction and pressure. It is usually formed on toes and feet. It look like raised and hard bumps. 
Also, It is not caused by virus and no contagious. 

How to treat a wart and corn? 

We have Co2 laser treatment that is a advanced fractional laser system as scanner 
type with a higher power module. It is based on quality of ultra-pulse technology for less pain and faster recovery. It delivers good effects especially for skin resurfacing, wart & mole removals. 

Flat warts look similar to acne , milium, and fibroma.
It is necessary to have accurate diagnosis from a doctor. 

Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

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