Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What is cause of hair loss?


What is cause of hair loss?

Hair loss has different types of causes such ash family history, hormonal changes, medications and supplements, stress, and hair styles etc.

Anagen effluvivum is caused by medications that posion hair follicle

Telogen effluvium is cuased by number of hair follicles reaching the telogen phase that stages where hair falls out

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common hair loss that hair thins over the top of the head and on the side.


PRP contains condensed platelets which can act to vitalize skin. 
Blood is withdrawn from the patient, centrifuged, then injected back
into the skin. Blood is withdrawn from the patient. centrifuged then 
injected back into the progressed area from hair loos. 
It shows the effects of stimulating hair and cell regeneration in the scalp.


Meso therapy is a technique that uses injections of enzyme that helps
the scalp and hair with using syringe. It formulate a proportion of solution
and properly mixed with the necessary nutrients and then inject directly into the scalp.it prevents hair loss and also promotes blood flow and hair growth as fundamental scalp.




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