Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to keep moisturizing and glowing skin?


How to keep moisturizing and glowing skin?

We have different types of moisturizing skin care such as cryocell, velvet mask, and Vitaliont. It helps skin to moisture, and whiten the skin. Here is the solution for you.

Cryo-electropheresis delivers vitamins and nutrients to frozen skin by using electric current. It contracts the blood vessel to prevent them from absorbing the solution, making results longer lasting. It helps the skin recover more quickly with cooling and soothing. 

Advantages of cryocell
1. Short procedure, no downtime
2. synergy effects if have other skin treatment together
3. Available to apply other treatment together
4. Can go back to routine life

Velvet Mask
Collagen mask is structured to capture 99% moisture within the skin. The facial mask has a skin -cooling moisture and soothing to help skin last longer to boost that can brighten your face instantly. 

Vitaliont is a special equipment that uses electric currents to deliver
highly concentrated vitamin C deep into the skin to treat pigmentation.

Advantages of Vitaliont
1. No pain: recommend for all skin types
2. No downtime: patients can wear makeup immediately after treatment
3. Vitamin C helps control melanin cells that causes pigmentation.

Click the video for direction from Nana station

f you want to make an appointment, please contact via messenger

Facebook: @rnmeth



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